Slap Bookleather Essentials

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Staring into the Year End Campfire

When I set out to find the perfect Western, Biden was a Vice-President, Putin was a Prime Minister, Ukraine was a Russian client-state, Trump was a game show host, I had a heart that was 100% natural, and had never heard of the eight limbs of ashtanga yoga.  A lot has changed since then.

In those days, and the couple of years that followed, I spent a lot of meandering mental energy thinking about man in nature, the folly of civilization, completely ignored Hobbes, and longed for some kind of Tyler Durden-esque collapse of the status quo that would certainly have killed me within days.

(Side note: you know how life expectancies were so low back in ye olden days?  It wasn’t because everyone died at 35, it was because so many people died of things that we can prevent or manage today.  If I were born 50 years earlier I would not have lived past 40, and probably would have had trouble making it to my 20’s.  A friend asked me mid-pandemic why I was so cranky and depressed all the time and that it was bringing down all my co-workers.  I said that if the Qanon-MAGA hat crowd decides they don’t like the election results and start a civil war I’ve got 60 days max before a disrupted pharma supply chain kills me.  He thought that was ridiculous, then we had Jan 6.  He also occasionally read this blog.  Hi RC!)

In the decade since the allure of the return to primal has faded… a little.  I mean, I did save the picture above from The Last Book You’ll Ever Read, a graphic novel by Cullen Bunn about that exact re-wilding of civilization.  A lot of my non-western hiatus was spent reading Edgar Rice Burroughs, time travel hunting books, pulp safaris, Hemmingway’s hunting stories, etc.  I think that with a lot of yoga study I saw that there is a happy hunting ground between civilization and the wilderness.

Several times I’ve set out to make a Dungeons and Dragons character that felt like a Saddhu, the ascetic wandering yogis that still exist today.  My buddies assume that I’d make a monk, but the times where I’ve done it I’ve always made some kind of Druid. 

Yoga, particularly Shaivist Tantra yoga I study, is pretty primal.  You can’t really experience it unless you can experience it in your body first.  Not that you’ve got to be a super athlete; I started my study without a sternum, not a lot of complicated yoga postures happening at that time.  The quintessential yogi for me is Shiva- one of the three faces of God, Lord of Yoga, sitting on a mountain, meditating and surrounded by animals.

There is also some evidence that Cernunnos (the Celtic & Gaulic god that is a precursor to Herne, the Wild Hunt, and the Green Man) is Shiva.  So yeah, the druids were yogis.

That ascetic, austere seeker going to the mountains to meditate always appealed to me.  Why do people go to find enlightenment on top of a mountain?  Because you are never the same person at the top that you were at the start.  I even wrote about that way back in 2013.  Just this week I got thinking about this chain:

The Saddhu, seeking a quiet perch on a mountaintop to meditate.

The Druid, wandering the expansive forests and mountains of Britain getting list in vision of the Otherworld.

The Mountain Man, leaving the civilization that defined him to live apart from societal binds and expectations.

The Saddhu, the Druid, the Mountain Man, all connected.

Happy New Year.  Time for one last hike.


Sunday, December 24, 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Staring into the Campfire

At the end of the summer this year I spent almost eight days camping in a patch of desert called Salt Flat, TX.  Every morning Mrs. Slap and I got up just after sunrise and cooked breakfast; when it started to get hot we went up into the Guadalupe Mountains to hike; towards sunset we found some shade, made dinner, then watched the nightly dance.  Sunset in the mountains to the west, Milky Way spiraling overhead, full blood red moon rising over the mountains in the east.  On a busy day we might see five other people.

What passes for reality set in with work, crowds, politics, inflation, family, war, plague all crushing in as we got back to civilization.  I wasn’t right for days.  Weeks.  Months.  I miss it.

I think often about a pair of conversations in the film Jeremiah Johnson:

Bear Claw Chris Lapp: [Seeing the striped military trousers Jeremiah's wearing] Missed another war down there, hmm?

…and later…

Jeremiah Johnson: How does the war go?

Lt. Mulvey: Which war?

Jeremiah Johnson: The war against the President of Mexico.

Lt. Mulvey: Why, it's over.

Jeremiah Johnson: Who won?

No one wins.  The war in Ukraine is going to drag on into another attritional trench war for years, or someone is going to have to decide to cede the East to Russia.  The war in Gaza is… I have no idea where that was going.  Anyone with sense can tell that Iran pushed Hamas into attacking with a bunch a crazy “hail mary”s hoping to provoke an over-response from Israel that would pause or cancel the impending Saudi-Israel formal alliance that was in the works.  I doubt anyone thought Hamas would get as far or do as much damage as it did, or that Israel would have to save face with an endless shock & campaign followed by a ground invasion.  This is the Iran-Saudi cold war turned very hot, and it’s bringing in resources from all over.  Including every American’s tax dollars which are going to munitions fired into Gaza.  All because someone in Tehran got a smart idea.  And people are going to forget about the 1,200 deaths and innumerable attrocities in Israel as the body count goes well into the tens of thousands in Gaza.  No one wins.

And then there’s Trump, who might still be President again despite it all.  The average life expectancy for a male in the US is 77.28 years.  Maybe nature will play the odds and clear the slate.  I’m still holding out for a Romney-Manchin 3rd party run. 

Via con dios, pards.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Halloween Dare & Preview for '24


Years ago, pre-pandemic, I ran across a young woman on Youtube named Dare. 

Dare, then in her early twenties, was a performer at Disney World who was absolutely convinced that she would make a career as an actress, singer, and model.  That was a lot of brass for someone putting bikini videos on the internet (often shot by her Mom) like thousands of other young women.  Dare had so much character and charisma, and such an honesty on the screen, that I kept checking in.

Now it’s 2023 and Dare has a hugely successful career as an actress, internet model, cosplayer, runway model, youtuber, and just released a single.  Quite a career.

She also has a long run of cowboy-flavored cosplays, so we’ll be kicking off next year with Dare.

See more here:

Monday, October 9, 2023

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Friday, September 1, 2023

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Update on Slap, and why all the Nekkid Cowgirls

Hey cowpokes!  I'm out in west Texas, wandering the mountains, trying to find a savage jackalope and put the problems of the northeast behind me for a spell.

My loyal readers may be wondering if this blog is just posting scantily clad cowgirls.  

Mostly?  Maybe?

I am putting together some stuff for Weird West month and next year's Brokeback month, but yeah, this is what I've got in the saddle bag right now.

Via con dios...

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Friday, July 7, 2023

Muddy Mama, River Mama

When you go looking for old westerns you run across a lot of oddballs.  This is one that I found under both River Mama and Muddy Mama.  IMDB has a good synopsis of the plot, although I bet folks didn't watch it for the plot:

Mac "Diamondback" Blackjack and his sidekick Moon haul cargo in their little sternwheeler - but the bulk of their living is made as white slavers, selling lovely young ladies to the gamblers and sod-busters living up-river. Maude is running away from the farm, seeking a life of excitement in old Orleans. Her plan is to hop a ride on Mac's riverboat, unaware of the true nature of his business. Mac is happy to oblige, and wastes no time breaking in "Muddy Maude." Maude, however, is none too happy with his disrespectful attitude, and teams up with Mac's three captives to plan a mutiny. Mac and Moon are forced off the boat, and the girls decide to turn it into a showboat. They all have a swinging time with their customers - and Maude gets sweet on Tim Sweetbreath. The future appears to be rosy ... but unbeknownst to the girls, Mac and Moon are coming back for reclaim their boat..

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Murica, Hell Yeah


To be honest, I put this post together in March of 2022, with the pandemic not quite done, a million Americans dead of COVID, the Great Resignation, supply chain a disaster, war in the Ukraine, and World War Three a possibility.  Let's hope we make it this long.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Monday, June 12, 2023

Sunday, June 11, 2023

A Swing and Miss from the Rawhide Kid

Possibly my favorite frames from the Rawhide Kid


Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Original Brokeback

 Amazing scenery porn, evocative love story, and Anne Hathaway naked.  This really was about the best film ever made.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Monday, May 1, 2023

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Monday, January 16, 2023

Dusting Off the Desktop, Marvel-Style!

Not a lot of writing lately, because life is messy and I'm tired.  However, I'm sure all of my four reliable readers are eager to see what's going on in the wild west.  And by wild west, I mean the wide expanse of Marvel western comic-book pages I've saved to the desktop of my tablet.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Midnight Theater Presents: The Good, the Bad, and the Wicked; or, the Wild West's Weirdest Haircut

If you've read of of the Midnight Theater posts you know that there's not a lot of reviewing going on, mostly jokes at the expense of the "plots".  Haven't seen this one, but the screengrabs I stumbled across showed what looks like the most... friendly haircut I've ever seen.  Barbers in the old west really knew their stuff.