Joe Quesada, then Marvel Editor in Chief: “Hey, that new Cohen Brothers version of True Grit looks like it will be pretty good. A lot of people who read comics also liked The Big Lebowski. Jody, let’s try to have one of your writers come up with an excuse to run a western themed cover around the time True Grit comes out."
Jody Leheup, Editor: “Um, okay, I guess we can do that. Peter David is writing some of our books. He the co-writer on the Dark Tower adaptations and wrote those funny space westerns. Peter, what do you think?”
Peter David, renown comic book writer: “Well… sure, why not. I can maybe drop a story in as an interlude between X-Factor stories, sort of a dream sequence that looks like a lost chapter from Wolves of the Calla?”
…and that appears to be the origin of X-Factor #214. Turns out it was actually meant to be a tie between the Marvel Universe and the ongoing Dark Tower stories, but the licensing agreements fell through. Not a bad comic, but weirdly conceived, weirdly executed, and despite the cover not really a western. Also probably doesn't make any sense unless you have at least a passing familiarity with the Dark Tower series.
Dang it!
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