Slap Bookleather Essentials

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Roland of Gilead

"I do not aim with my hand; I aim with my eye.
He who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.

I do not shoot with my hand; I shoot with my mind.
He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.

I do not kill with my gun; I kill with my heart.
He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father."

~Roland of Gilead~

Time for confessions- I’ve never finished the Dark Tower series.  I’ve read The Gunslinger several times, both versions, in fact, but I can’t get through The Drawing of the Three.  I find Eddie Dean so pointless that I just can’t keep it up.  The Roland Deschain that I know best is Roland of Gilead, who I followed in the Marvel Comics retelling of his childhood through the Battle of Jericho Hill, ultimately seeing what crafted the sorrowful and relentless hunter of The Gunslinger.  One day I will get past this and read the rest of the series, but in the mean time these images continue to lurk in the dark trails of my mind.

(That, and that notion of running a D&D adventuring party called the Big Coffin Hunters.  How great would that be?)


  1. I really recommend pushing on. You will come to love Eddie. To say any more is to spoil it for you. Read on....

  2. It only took a decade for my D&D group to finally call a gang "The Big Hunters", although somehow there's always a hard "c" sound at the begining of hunters...
