Slap Bookleather Essentials

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tim Truman returns with Hawken

Have I mentioned anywhere is this blog that Tim Truman is a genius?  If not, then I am remiss.  Truman is a fantastic comics artist, writer, and musician.  Moreover, he is a western fan and creator, doing some of the best work in the genre in the 1990’s with Topps Lone Ranger series and the Vertigo Jonah Hex series.  I recently pulled his comics biography of Simon Girty off the shelf and have enjoyed paging through it by candle light in my snowbound, powerless home in New England.  When the power came back on and I was on-line again I was stunned to see that Truman is again gracing us with another western called Hawken, this one apparently weirder than his already impressive creations.  The full story is available here at Comic Book Resources (and practically every other Western blog).  Welcome back, Tim! 


  1. Truman can be credited with the first shot in the rehabilitation of Simon Girty. Have you seen his book "Straight Up to See the Sky"? Collection of short bios of frontiersmen, some well-known, many obscure.

    He is, indeed, a genius.

    Jim Cornelius

  2. BTW, I gave your excellent blog a shout-out at

  3. I saw! My post on your own should have posted this morning. Great blog. Nice to have some company out here. You are right, mine is much more pop culture focused, but you should read we "West of Boston" post from May. Right up your alley.
