Slap Bookleather Essentials

Friday, January 15, 2021

10 First Impressions of Red Dead Redemption 2


We played Red Dead Redemption 2 on a $5000 laptop - The AU Review 

I’m midway through Chapter 3, here’s the impressions so far:

  1. It’s almost like being in Westworld, but instead of $40k/day I bought it on sale for $30.  
  2. Customizable Arthur is tons of fun.
  3. Although set 12 years earlier, it captures the “end of the frontier” feeling better than the original.  
  4. A lot of it plays like a frontier simulator rather than a strict RPG or action game, which I’ve really enjoyed.
  5. I haven’t been this attached to characters since the Mass Effect series. 
  6. Constantly torn between growing a massive mountain-man beard and shaving it down to a cool yet massive mustache.  In the mean time most of my money has gone to hair tonics.
  7. This is probably the best written game I’ve ever played.  
  8. One weak point in the writing so far is Dutch; he’s a little less fleshed out than in the original, but then again he was the most engaging character in the original and that’s a hard bar to hit.
  9. I still like the early game style of redeye better than the later versions that you learn. 
  10. Looks like it’s possible to have an animal hat, buckskin clothes, a mysterious medicine bag, a giant beard, a LeMat and a rolling block Sharpes, and a bandolier of massive bullets, all while riding a giant horse, which means I’ll eventually make Arthur Morgan a twin of Mad Amos Malone. on Twitter: "Arthur Morgan. #RDR2… "

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