Slap Bookleather Essentials

Friday, October 7, 2022

How Wild Wild West Almost Ruined My Marriage

Back in the 1990’s I lived in a town with a pretty cheap movie theater and an even cheaper second run theater.  Mrs. Slap and I went to the movies a lot, usually once a week or more, and back in those days you assumed that you wanted to see movies in the theater- no steaming yet, no big flatscreens at home, etc.  We also read a lot of movie magazines (that actually came in the mail!) so we knew what was coming out and what we wanted to make sure to see.

In the summer of 1999 I was really excited to see Wild Wild West, with Will Smith as Jim West and Kevin Klein as Artemis Gordon.  I was a big fan of the original series and Smith was on a roll with his buddy action comedies.  Unfortunately, that was also a busy summer, including a move to our first two bedroom apartment, and we didn’t make it the Wild Wild West at the first run theater.  Okay, we’ll see it at the second run.  Then that window was closing, on the last day that we had to move out of our apartment.

I must have been whining about missing the movie, and annoying Mrs. Slap, so she kicked me out to go see the last show at the second run.  The right move would have been to say “no, honey, I love you and supporting you and our family is more important than seeing potentially the greatest movie ever”, but we’d only been married a couple years by that point and I was stupid.  Off I went to see the masterpiece Wild Wild West.

It sucked.

I came home to find Mrs. Slap dirty and tired from the final cleanup of the old apartment.  I caught a look that I had never seen before and, more than two decades later, don’t think I’ve seen since.  We recovered and loved that new apartment for the next two years.  Lesson learned.

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